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This website dedicated to my flower on-line gallery, to visit my commercial photography website please visit -


My main focus of interest is photography, but when I work I think in cinematography terms, building scenes and thinking of movement. I play around with video art and use scanography . My creation comes from within myself, from the gut, my surroundings and my most treasured values. I have always known and loved trees, plants and flowers. I memorized their names, and what I didn’t immediately recognized, made me run to botanical encyclopedias, books and google. It all comes from a strong sense of belonging, curiosity and a love of learning all about Israel’s nature.

Via flowers I try to structurally articulate something higher, sacred and formless perhaps to awaken latent senses.  The flower is for me, a window into a completely different existence, an anti-materialistic one. I have always been attracted to flowers, Not the ones in the flower shops but the ones at the sides of the roads. For me they were an enlightment, they have opened up the kingdom of spirit as well as my heart. 

I created my own language of flowers, much different from the Victorian one. My flower language is constructed from simple flowers, found in open spaces and fields. They have accompanied me throughout my life, and in them I found comfort and play. I have a relationship with them, I crowned them. I tossed them up in the air, and made them into jewelry and ornaments. they have been my inspiration and woke me up to their innate beauty.

I work in harmony with the seasons, day and night. It grounds me in nature, life cycle, destiny and transience.

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